
    Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in HDR

    I’m finally beginning to look through photos I shot in February at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. Being a rocket junkie I had a great time shooting lots of photographs and trying to see the many exhibits that are located in the complex. Unfortunately I only had one day to wander around, I could have easily spent 3 or 4 days taking it all in.

    These images seemed like good candidates for High Dynamic Range treatment so I used NIK’s HDR Efex Pro 2 again and had some fun.

    Apollo 14 Command Module at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Florida

    Apollo 14 Command Module

    Saturn V fuel tank, Apollo/Saturn V Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

    Saturn V fuel tank

    Saturn V launch vehicle engines, Apollo/Saturn V Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

    Saturn V launch vehicle engines

    Apollo-era firing room in the Apollo/Saturn V Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

    Apollo-era firing room

    Apollo command module rocket engines, Apollo/Saturn V Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

    Apollo command module rocket engines

    Commander Eugene Cernan space suit from the Apollo 17 lunar mission, Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Florida

    Commander Eugene Cernan’s space suit from the Apollo 17 lunar mission

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